APPA Tips & Tricks From Peter Eastway G.M. Photog.


Why Do 4 Silvers Beat 4 Golds?

At the end of each category in the AIPP’s Awards process, the top three portfolios are assessed by the judging panel to determine the overall winner. Why is this system better than simply giving first prize to the set of prints with the highest score? Peter Eastway explains in The AIPP Journal 

74 Was a Generous Score!

Have a read of THIS ARTICLE first published in The Working Pro.
Peter Eastway disects one of his own images and explains why even though he thought he had a Gold Award on its way...he realised that the score of 74 it was given , was actually quite generous!

How do you decide which category is best for your image?

Have a read of THIS ARTICLE first published in The Working Pro.
Sometimes, your images may be appropriate for a few different categories. How do you decide which category to enter?

Can the Judges Enter APPA?

Have a read of THIS ARTICLE first published in The Working Pro.
The pro's and con's behind the decsion to allow judges to enter APPA.

Can one judge influence the entire judging panel?

Have a read of THIS ARTICLE first published in The Working Pro.
Can one judge influence the entire panel? Read what Peter Eastway says about this...

How important is print quality?

Have a read of THIS ARTICLE first published in The Working Pro.
Peter Eastway discusses the importance of print quality.

Entering APPA. Is it worth it?

Have a read of THIS ARTICLE first published in The Working Pro.
Is it really worth the effort entering APPA? How will it benefit me? Read Peter Eastway's views on this very topical question.

The majority rule explained

Have a read of THIS ARTICLE first published in The Working Pro.
The APPA judging system is incredibly fair says Peter Eastway as he explains the judging process.

What do the APPA scores mean?

Have a read of THIS ARTICLE first published in The Working Pro.
The score is everything...but what exactly do the scores mean for me as a Professional Photographer

What % of entries get a Silver award?

Have a read of THIS ARTICLE first published in The Working Pro.
Does the % of entries scoring a silver vary each year?

What score should I aim for?

Have a read of THIS ARTICLE first published in The Working Pro.
Should I be aiming for a score of 100?
For every entry?
What score should I realistically aim for?

10 points for AIPP APPA success

Have a read of THIS ARTICLE first published in The Working Pro.
Words of wisdon from Rocco Ancora APP.L GM.Photog